Tuesday, July 15, 2008




July 15/ Tammuz 12

Just a quick note tonight as utter exhaustion is beginning to set in—we'd like to thank all of you incredible yidden so very much for davening so fervently to help bring Tzaddikel to enter "briso shel Avraham Avinu" earlier today. Thank you HaKB"H for bringing us and Tzaddikel to such a monumental day, and for allowing everything to go smoothly.

Tzaddikel's new name? AVRAHAM YESHAYAHU- named after the heilig and 'meyuchad' Chazon Ish, zt"l, who literally changed the world with his remarkable combination of tzidkus, hasmada and true ameilus b'Torah, limud ha'Torah lishma, a powerful koach ha'tefilla, and selfless care and concern for every single Jew. Indeed there is naturally more to the story—but it will have to wait for another time…

And while I plan on calling him, "Avraham Yeshaya" (just as the Steipler Gaon referred to the Chazon Ish), my wife prefers "Shaya," or, better yet, "Shayala." (And it seems that she already has many relatives on her side). Go ahead and take your pick. But keep in mind that he'll always be Klal Yisroel's dear Tzaddikel…

As I must sign off now for the time being, kindly allow me to attach some Chiddushei Torah distributed at the bris earlier today. One piece is an entirely new ma'aracha of mine and elaborates upon Yosef ha'tzaddik and his ties to bris kodesh- and parshas Vayeishev- while the other is a revised piece I had written a while back on Pinchas and the tikkun of Ba'al Pe'or and the tikkun ha'bris (a major theme running through these current parshiyos.) Hope you enjoy.

May we only join in many simchas and share endless besoros tovos.

Kol Tuv always- and thanks again,