Wednesday, February 6, 2008

EMAIL UPDATE: From Rabbi Eytan Feiner

We just received the text below from a person who said that R. Feiner sent the text below, and asked that it be spread around to inform people with a proper update of Tinok ben Aviva.


Shalom U'vracha to all the chashuv mispallelim on behalf of Tinok ben Aviva:

As the father of Klal Yisroel's adorable little tzaddikel- and on behalf of our family- I would like to humbly ask that you please intensify your already potent and precious tefillos. We just returned from the hospital and an important meeting discussing numerous test results. Without going into much detail, we are dealing with a situation that, just to reiterate, the medical world and literature has never before seen. There have been some very positive signs, but some, unfortunately, not-so-great ones as well. (His breathing has, B"H, gotten much better- he is now breathing fully on his own- but certain significant reflexes are not yet working properly. And this is only part of the story.)

What the future holds in store? These renowned doctors are all in agreement that they haven't the slightest clue. In their words, there is nothing more they can really do but sit and wait and see. As time goes on, tzaddikel can, IY"H, experience a full recovery both mentally and physically, or chalila not. They, too, readily admit that tzaddikel's future is completely dependent on our koach ha'tefilla arousing rachamei Shamayim.

Please don't let up. Please do your utmost to daven sincerely and powerfully on behalf of Tinok ben Aviva bas Chana- TOGETHER WITH SHA'AR CHOLEI YISROEL- and may we only share besoros tovos always.

Yeshuos vi'nechamos for all of Klal Yisroel bi'karov.

Thanking all of you, mei'omek ha'lev, for all of your incredible and inspiring efforts thus far and hoping for the ongoing tefillos and zechuyos to bring a speedy refuah shi'leima.

Chodesh Tov and Kol Tuv,