Wednesday, January 30, 2008

NEW AUDIO LINK: Rebbetzin Aviva Feiner—Klal Yisrael's Baby

Many thanks to a reader who provided us with this new link to hear the speech that has inpired Jews world wide.

Mailbag Time: Bracha Party in Austin Texas

A reader writes how she was one of 18 women who gathered at a Bracha Party in the merit of a speedy refuah for Tinok ben Aviva. Do you have an inpirational story revolving around Tinok ben Aviva? Email us.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Mailbag Time: Inspiring Article about R. Feiner & His Son

A reader sent us this link to a beautifully written article about Tinok ben Aviva and The Feiner’s, by a young aspiring author based in Israel—Mr. Elchanan Shoff.

Mailbag Time: Message from a Gadol HaDor

A reader sent in the following email:


HoRav Kamenetsky shlita gave the following suggestion for women in America:

The Rosh Yeshiva suggests that due to the matzav in Eretz Yisrael, each woman should light Shabbos candles five minutes before the regular zman of hadlakas neros, for three weeks.

Through this, the Rosh Yeshiva said, we will bring more kedusha to the world. The Rosh Yeshiva also suggests doing what we can to be prepared for Shabbos a little earlier, so that our lighting candles earlier will be without added pressure in the house.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Klal Yisrael's Baby VIDEO

We have received conflicting reports as to the status of the video given by the mother of Tinok ben Aviva. At this time, out of respect for the family, we are deciding to immediately remove the link and the post to download/view the Divrei Chizuk from Neve Yerushalayim.

May all of Klal Yisrael experience the ultimate redemption with the coming of Mashiach!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Another Facebook Group

We just received an email from a reader who informed us of an additional Facebook Group. If you have a Facebook account click here to join.

Stories of Inspiration

Please feel free to send in your stories by clicking here and we will post them to provide all of Klal Yisrael with additional chizuk towards the speedy refuah shelemah of Our Baby--Klal Yisrael's baby!

A Readers Link

A reader sent in a link from this blog that discusses the amazing EMUNAH of The Feiner's!

New Links

If you have any additional links that should be added to this informative blog please contact us here.

Facebook Group

If you are a member of Facebook join the Tinok ben Aviva group here.

IMPORTANT: Tinok ben Aviva

When asked what should be the name of the baby when one is daveing for a refuah shelemah Mrs. Feiner said that it is: TINOK BEN AVIVA.

Rabbi Eytan Feiner: Medical Background & Chizuk

Listen here to the recent address that Rabbi Feiner gave at Aish HaTorah Jerusalem.

Rebbetzin Aviva Feiner: Klal Yisrael's Baby AUDIO

Some people have already heard about the "speech that has been impacting the Jewish world" and don't want to wait for the Video to download. Others want to listen to it on their iPod or MP3 player on their way to work etc. etc. As such, click here to download the audio of the Divrei Chizuk given by the mother of Tinok ben Aviva.

Once again: the link will be available for 14 days and will allow 500 people to download it.